Why Vote?
Vote for Simply Vanilla!
Regularly voting is essential for us to reach new players and grow our community.
You have a small chance to receive 9 bottles o' enchanting or more commonly 3 cooked pork chops if you vote in-game.
For every 42 votes in a month you will receive a Discord and in-game rank!
Top 25 voters
CH_Triple_HD 2625
PhanZon 1996
ErikForShort 1151
QuackCake91651 1093
WilderUnc 910
ieatbabyorphans 772
BigBear72 736
YahBoiShaggy 708
Cupqke 656
SirIrrelevant 654
ffzde 540
CalvinImray 470
LiterateChainsaw 424
Lord_EXE 361
matcha255 348
Edeq79 298
0KBX 296
CounterCrystal 236
_Hot_Soup 229
YahBoiBear 225
Lord_Magneto 161
_IamBanned 153
ChaotixFlxme 153
suffoKATEd 149
_ded5ec 136